Admissions Process
Cambridge International School(CIS) is an inclusive school. The GEMS vision for Inclusive Education is that we achieve excellence together by all students receiving the support they need to meaningfully belong to their school and the wider community, feel valued for their contributions, engage purposefully in learning and experience academic, cultural, social and emotional success in a common learning environment.
At CIS we welcome children with a range of learning preferences, including students of determination (students with special education needs and disabilities), students who are gifted and talented and students who are English Language Learners. Our staff is committed to educating all students in a common learning environment with similar-aged peers. At CIS diversity is made visible as a strength, respectful relationships are continually enhanced and all children fully participate in learning through adjustments and teaching strategies tailored to meet the diverse range of learners reflected in wider society.
Please note: places are limited and many year levels do not have available places for the current academic year.
Academic Year 2025-2026
Registration for the academic year 2025-2026 is now open for all Year Groups (FS1-Year 13). Please contact the Admissions team at school for further information.
Please do the online enquiry before visiting the school and the following documents maybe uploaded or submitted at school:
- Applicant's UAE ID, Passport and Visa copy
- Vaccination card
- Passport size photograph
- Last final school report/CAT 4 report - for year groups 3 - 11
- Copy of the vaccination card/health card
Registration Timings: 8 am to 3:00 pm, Monday - Thursday and 8am -12:00pm on Fridays.
Our school remains closed on weekends.
Registration Process
Step 1
Please click here to fill the form to generate student enquiry ID number.
Step 2
An application fee of AED 525 (inclusive of VAT) is due at the time of application. This fee is:
- Refundable if the school does not offer the student a place. Unless the child's registration is carried forward to the following academic year.
- Non-refundable if the school offers the student a place but the student chooses not to take/accept it.
- Not deductible from the total tuition fees to be paid if the student is offered and accepts a place.
- this fee is not applicable for students currently enrolled at a GEMS School.
Step 3
Please visit our school with the above documents and student enquiry ID number.
Step 4
Once registered the applicant will be placed on the waiting list and called for an assessment, depending on space availability.
Step 5
All admissions will be confirmed subject to the child’s assessment results.
FS 1 - FS 2
Visit the school with the student's documents on completion of Online Enquiry.
Year 1 - Year 11
Visit the school with the student's documents on completion of Online Enquiry. Final/Term report and recommendation letter are required for admissions for Year 1 to Year 11.
Entrance test for Year 1 - Year 11 will be scheduled after the registration is duly completed. Assessments schedule will be shared shortly.
Year 12 - Year 13
Submit the relevant Application Form from the Post 16 Admissions Section. This form needs to be submitted at the time of registration.
Please note that registration does not guarantee your child a place.
Students receive an offer after successfully completing the school’s admission process.
For more details on current availability, please contact our Admissions Team at [email protected].
If you wish to know more about applying to other GEMS schools then please visit the GEMS website gemseducation.com for more information.
Minimum age
FS1 - Student needs to be 3yrs of age by August 31st of the academic year.
FS2 - Student needs to be 4yrs of age by August 31st of the academic year.
Assessment Test
The test is conducted in order to have knowledge of the student’s academic skills particularly with reference to his/her records from the previous school.
Required Documents on Confirmation of Admission
- A copy of the student's passport with a valid U.A.E. residence visa.
- A copy of the student’s birth certificate (in Arabic or English).
- A copy of the student’s Emirates ID Card (both sides).
- A copy each of (father and mother) Emirates ID Card (both sides), Passport & Visa.
- A copy of the school final report for all children entering Year 1 and above (in English).
- Original Transfer Certificate from the previous school (only after confirmation of admission)
a) In the case of transfer from other Emirates, the Transfer Certificate should be duly attested by the Educational Authority of the respective Emirate.
b) In the case of Overseas transfer, from countries except for USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Europe, and New Zealand, the Transfer Certificate should be duly attested by:
(I) District Educational Officer/Ministry of Education (from the country migrating from)
(II) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from the country migrating from) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs UAE.
(III) UAE Embassy/ Consulate (from the country migrating from) - Payment receipt for AED 525/- (non-refundable if the offer is rejected/non-transferable) application fee.
- Copy of the vaccination card/health card.
- 10% of tuition fee to be paid at the time of enrollment.
Please Note: Cambridge International School Dubai, will accept and consider applications with all required paperwork.
Entrance Test
FS1 & FS2
There are no entrance tests for FS1& FS2 but it is mandatory for the prospective students to meet the teacher for an interactive session.
Year 1 & Year 2
Admissions are granted on the basis of an entrance test in English (reading & writing) and Mathematics (addition & subtraction).
Year 3 to Year 11
CAT 4 test
Year 12 & 13
For Year 12 & 13, click here. Fill the form and bring at the time of registration. Year 12 & 13 applications are confirmed based on the board result.
To Re-Enroll
In order to secure a student’s place at CIS-Dubai for the following school year, an online re-enrolment form must be completed along with a paid deposit of 5% of the school fees by the third week of March each academic year. This deposit is non-refundable should a student not take up the confirmed place in September, but is fully adjustable against the first terms fees. The re-enrolment process is available through the PARENT PORTAL system and accessed by your parent ID. Log on to www.gems.ae and select PARENT PORTAL. The deposit may be paid online with a credit card, in person at the school accounts office or via bank wire transfer.
Please note that the Knowledge & Human Development Authority [KHDA] issues the guidelines regarding the admission and re-enrolment processes for private schools in Dubai. For information regarding the KHDA guidelines, please visit http://www.khda.gov.ae/.
If you require any further details regarding re-enrolment or have questions regarding the process, please contact our Registration Team or Accounts Department.
To Withdraw
All students that are being withdrawn from CIS-Dubai must complete the online withdrawal process via PARENT PORTAL and accessed by your parent ID. Log on to www.gems.ae and select PARENT PORTAL. A 30-day notification period is required to ensure all necessary documents are ready (including Transfer Certificates), as well as to process any potential fee refunds. Please note that December and June are the busiest times for withdrawals and notification of more than 30 days is appreciated.
If you do not know your Parent log-in details, kindly approach the Parents Relations Executive at [email protected] who can provide these.
Transfer Certificates at Withdrawal
Every student is required by the UAE Ministry of Education Law to have a Transfer Certificate (TC) from their previous school. Should a TC be required for a move outside Dubai, indicate that one is needed on the withdrawal form and we will begin the KHDA attestation process.
If you have any questions about whether a TC is required for your move, please speak with the Registration who can answer your questions.
Transfer Process Information
After your child has received an offer to join Cambridge International School we request the Transfer certificate from your previous school.
The original Transfer Certificate must be on official school letterhead. This form must be typed, signed by the Principal and show an official school stamp.
The Transfer Certificate of students from schools located in any country other than Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, USA and UAE, MUST be in English or Arabic and Attested by:
- Ministry of Education (Country of Origin)
- UAE Embassy (Country of Origin)
- Ministry of Foreign affairs (Dubai-UAE)
Attestation is required for GCC countries from Ministry of Education only.
KHDA - Inclusion Policy
KHDA - Registration and Admissions Policy